I've been able to share with many of you about the world race and I know that others have read the updated tabs on my blog, but if you have missed those, I wanted to give a quick world race update. Things have flown by incredibly fast since I have been back in the States. It's hard to believe that I have been here almost 4 weeks. This past month has been full of fun visits with friends and family, lots of coffee and tea, researching, reading, planning, praying, learning, support raising, and anything pumpkin flavored that I find :) I have loved being able to experience fall again and see the leaves changing colors. I miss the D.R. with all of my heart, but the Lord is encouraging me and providing new blessings each day here. I leave for training camp for the world race in a week. It is a five day training session of sorts where we meet everyone we will be going with and prepare more for what we will be doing. I am so excited to find out more and get to know the people I will be spending 4 months doing ministry with! AND, I get to drive to Georgia for it... I love road trips- and spending 7 hours in a car with loud music and windows down (hopefully!) and some good coffee is sounding wonderful right now :) And hopefully I'll be able to see some good friends in Atlanta and Knoxville along the way :)
This is my support letter that I recently mailed out... it contains the more concise version of the update on my life :)
Dear Family and Friends,
I hope that this letter finds you well and enjoying the first taste of fall! As you may know, I have recently returned to the United States after serving at an orphanage in the Dominican Republic for the past year and a half. During my time there, the Lord gave me an immense love for Dominicans, and I’d like to take a moment to share with you the dream He has placed on my heart.
In December of 2009, God began opening my eyes to the issues of sex-trafficking, prostitution, and abusive home situations in the Dominican Republic. I feel called to spend my life bringing hope and restoration in Christ by opening a safe-home in the D.R. for the women and children affected by these issues (To read more visit heathercolbert.blogspot.com).
After discovering many ministries in Thailand and Cambodia that are already working to fight against sex-trafficking, it became a desire of mine to go and gain wisdom from their experiences. In late August, I found out about The World Race Human Trafficking Edition, a mission trip in which participants not only spend a month in both Thailand and Cambodia but also India and the States. This trip is specifically designed for those interested in long-term ministry involving human trafficking. Upon praying, applying, and being accepted within a couple of weeks, I knew that the Lord was opening a door for me to learn from and serve alongside individuals and organizations with whom I share a passion. I know this will be an amazing training experience in ministry that will prepare me to eventually open a home for women in the Dominican Republic.
I wish to request your involvement in several ways. Spiritually, I ask that you pray for me. I covet your prayers. As internet connections are available, I plan to blog updates of specific prayer requests (heathercolbert.theworldrace.org). Should there be a time when I cannot provide exact direction on how to pray, I encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit for the intercession He promises in Romans 8:26.
Financially, I invite you to consider becoming a one time or monthly sponsor as the overall cost of my expenses for January through May is $7,300.00. The Lord has given me peace in His provision as I seek first His kingdom and righteousness (Matthew 6:33), so I am trusting and waiting expectantly to see how and from where the resources will come.
I am excited beyond belief for this upcoming journey and I ask that you prayerfully consider becoming a part of it. Thank you so much for all of your love, support, and prayers along the way! They mean more than you know!
In Him,

This is my prayer card that we sent out with the letters :)
Throughout the next couple of months and when I'm on the world race in the spring, I'll also be updating my world race blog... so check that one out as well! On that blog, you can click "update alerts" on the left-hand column to receive an email when I have posted on the blog. This is the link: www.heathercolbert.theworldrace.org
On a side note... this is my third post in October and it's only the 7th... Elizabeth, I know you must be proud :)
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