Monday, February 18, 2013

capture every moment.

I always love finding joy in the little things and appreciating every moment, but a couple of weeks ago I woke up with extra excitement for all that was to come that day.  And so instead of just letting it all be memories I decided to start capturing more of those moments with my camera.  It quickly became normal to hear "capture every moment" coming out of someone's mouth and it has resulted in more photos and a deepened appreciation for what we may be tempted to deem as common everyday life.  For the common is hard to find when you really think about how much beauty and grace we are always surrounded by.  So here's to capturing every moment and memories in the form of photos and glimpses into the everyday happenings around here...

Christine, Emilee, Bebo and I watching Jochi play baseball.

Jochi pitching.

Visiting some of our favorites.

Indiana and Joanni fixing Christine's hair... just like old times.

Valentine's Day Bingo at school.

Thankful to spend time with these boys in Jaibon.

Jose... attempting not to smile.

Coffee in special little cups at Jacqueline's.

Emilee y su cafe.

Visiting Carolina.

Bebo's birthday.

Monday, February 11, 2013


I absolutely love my students.  Some days they are full of smiles and other days they have crazy attitudes, but they always bring so much joy to my life.  Here are a few pictures from the past couple of weeks...