Wednesday, September 19, 2012

utterly amazed.

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” 
-Mary Oliver

I came across this quote a few weeks ago and it has stuck in my head ever since.  I had found myself tightly grasping on to what I thought were my own personal needs, when the Lord gently reminded me that this is all about Him and not about me at all.  That my life is His and not mine and that really, I am blessed to be living exactly what I would choose to do with this one wild and precious life that I’ve been given

And really, I never chose any of this to begin with.

I never had a desire to leave the States.  I never planned to stay more than two months.  And then I never planned to stay more than two years.

But the Lord’s plans were different and here I find myself five years later…  living a life that is far more full than anything I could have ever dreamed.  Walking along side the people who stole my heart years ago and falling in love with new faces... and I couldn't be happier.

It's in the moments when I think I have nothing left to give that I find those words swirling through my head.  And I’m immediately filled with that deep peace of God that passes all understanding… knowing that I’m exactly where I am supposed to be and living what He has created my heart to beat for.

…As far as what has been going on around here…

Ahora somos cuatro.  There are now four of us living together :)  Carolina moved in with us a few weeks ago.  I love her so much and I am so glad we are able to live this season of life together.

We may or may not have eaten cake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that day... :)

School is officially back in swing and we have been teaching the past several weeks.  We are teaching English to 1st-7th graders at the public school in our neighborhood.  It has been absolutely incredible so far and I love the kids so much already.  The middle school students have stolen my heart and I can’t wait to see what God does this year. 

At the end of the day, I can still say that I’m just overwhelmingly grateful… for smiles and a couple hundred new students and fresh juice and talking about memories that happened 4 or 5 years ago and cafĂ© con leche (always.) and people opening up their homes to us and deep conversations late into the night and houses becoming homes and friends becoming family.

In my backyard with Amanda and Aysel when they were here visiting :)
Ari, one of the not-so-little-anymore twins 

“Look at the nations and watch—and be utterly amazed.  For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.”
Habakkuk 1:5

God is so faithful.