I just miss this place so much...

Psalm 57:8-11
When I read these verses I just see the Dominican. In an unexplainable way, I feel as though God made my heart for that country. It's crazy really. To be born in one place, but feel so at home in a country where they don't speak the same native language and their culture looks drastically different than the one I grew up in. I never even thought I would leave the U.S. and here I am preparing to move back down to the Dominican Republic. God's plans are so crazy and beautiful :)
This time has been so good for my heart and soul. I miss the Dominican more than my words can express, but I understand more each day why I am supposed to be here. I have been falling in love with the Lord all over again. I can't get enough of His Word and I am so blessed to have this time where I can simply seek Him. I can't stay away from Paul's letters and the truth that is flowing out of them. I'm learning to ask for open ears to hear the Spirit's direction. I'm overwhelmed by the Father's relentless and gracious love for me and all of His children. He's breaking down walls in my heart that I didn't know existed and restoring me to my identity as His daughter. I'm learning the importance of praying boldly and praying things that require me to make changes in the way I live. I'm learning to find joy in the precious little moments of life. I'm seeing the reality of the spiritual battle we are fighting. I'm seeing the Kingdom of God coming to earth through a group of fire-breathers who are a part of the Human Trafficking trip I'm going on this spring. Mostly, I'm being transformed by a God who knows me better than I know myself and planned long ago that I would fall in love with the Dominican Republic and spend my years there being a part of His vision for Esperanza. Thankful doesn't even do justice to describe my heart.
This article gives one of the most detailed descriptions of human trafficking in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. You should read it. Really, you should! And watch the video too. It hits so close to home when you walked over that same bridge every week. But the thing is... human trafficking (sex-trafficking included) is happening in Dajabon, in Thailand, in Boca Chica, in Cambodia, in Atlanta, and all across America in our own backyards and in places we don't even expect. We must educate ourselves and we must do something about it. We can no longer be silent. Human trafficking doesn't have to steal anymore lives. There are so many ways to become involved! So many! I urge you to pray about ways to fight trafficking... and if you are looking for something specific, just let me know.
FREEDOM is coming!
...and this is my heart :)
You should also read the update I just posted on my world race blog here!
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