If you know me well, you know that I love tie-dye and I LOVE Jaibon. So what better way to end the summer than a day full of both?!?! Right before I left Jaibon, we made shirts with the boys and they absolutely loved it. Somehow I even managed to make it through the day without getting dye on my hands OR clothes!

Jose pointing out his shirt!

My brothers :) I cannot wait to see them in December! solo faltan seis semanas :)
I believe that my life in Christ is a continual process of surrender, rebirth, and new life. Today was another painful and beautiful one of those times. In August, God asked me to give up life in the Dominican until next summer. Getting on that airplane to come back to the States was probably one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do. I went kicking and screaming (ok, maybe it was more like crying like a baby) to the U.S. and God has brought so much beauty from that process of surrendering my heart to Him.
Recently I've been feeling like I have too tight of a hold on the Dominican once again. While I am sure that Esperanza Vision is God's dream and not mine, I also know that the Dominican sometimes becomes too much of my focus. Today I was sitting outside and the Lord asked me if I was willing to give up all of my hopes and dreams for the D.R. After more tears, I finally placed Esperanza Vision and my heart for that island at the feet of Jesus. It was something that needed to happen in my heart. I still firmly believe that God has called me to this vision in the Dominican, but I also know that it must remain at His feet. And the more I chase after God's heart, the more peace I know about the Dominican and Esperanza.
*side note* blueberry green tea = wonderful! pumpkin spice coffee = even MORE wonderful!
Fall is the best time of year to live in America :) Hands down.
"Look at the nations and watch--and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told."
Habakkuk 1:5
And that, my friends, sums up my thoughts on Esperanza... I am utterly amazed at what God is doing!
Oh and click here to read my update on my world race blog.
1 comment:
new layout's looking good, sister. new-found freedom even better :o) tqm!
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