Thursday, August 20, 2009

noche especial :)

Like I said in my last blog, Noche Especial was Tuesday night! It was sooo much fun! Just picture... a floor covered with 30+ mattresses, pillows and beach balls everywhere, streamers hanging from the ceiling, a PINATA!, pin the tail on the whale :), the present game, lots of movies, snacks, and pillow fights... basically we had a HUGE slumber party with the 26 girls who live at the orphanage! It was sooo much fun! The kids here love and talk about it all year. When they got their invitations on Monday night, they freaked out! I left Noche Especial with a smile on my face from all the fun and with another piece of my heart stolen by these kids. I was completely humbled by them that night. I watched Carolina (she is 16 and the oldest of the girls at the orphanage) take care of all the younger girls... nobody told her to do that... she just does. She loves them and chooses to put their needs above hers. I have watched her grow up throughout the past three summers. She has a beautiful heart and I couldn't help but feeling so proud of her that night. I also saw Jesus in the heart of Indiana, a 9 year old girl who I have also watched grow up through the past three summers. After we did the piƱata (they LOVED it, especially since candy is a big treat for them), we had to all walk back over to where we were having the sleepover. The boys (who are having theirs tonight!) wanted to come up sooo bad and they were all waiting at the bottom of the steps when we came back over. Indiana and I were the last to walk back over. We started walking up the stairs, but then she paused. I watched as she turned around, ran back down the stairs, and shared her candy with her brother. Then she proceeded to pass out her candy to all of the boys who were there. In that moment, I saw Jesus in her eyes. Eyes that were filled with joy from sharing her gift. I continue to be humbled by the sacrificial attitudes I see in the Dominican people. They have few material possessions, yet they still offer their best to others. I am reminded to live unselfishly, to love others more than myself, and to truly be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Yasmin rockin out lots of leis!

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