Normally when I sit down to write a blog it's because I have something on my mind or heart. But today I just opened up this page to write because it's been far too long since I've written anything at all. So we'll see where this goes :)
I'm sitting here on this cloudy day, awaiting the promised storm that hasn't shown up yet. My neighbor just brought me a glass of freshly made mango juice and my mug full of coffee is still hot. It's recess at the school next door and the voices of tons of little kids dressed in blue and khaki uniforms fill my house. Life. Is. Good.
Life would be full of goodness anyway... even if everything that was going on around me didn't feel like goodness. Because the Lord is good and has blessed us with gifts that are more than we could have ever asked for or imagined. But life right now also feels full of that exceptional kind of goodness as well. The kind that leaves me in awe of all that the Lord has done and amazed at the fact that I get to live here and do what I'm doing. I seriously stop dead in my tracks all the time, so thankful and humbled to be where God has me right now.
I spend a large chunk of my days with a bunch of 5th through 8th graders who are INCREDIBLE. And I mean that. They are brilliant and hilarious and full of surprises. They are already awesome leaders and their love for the Lord inspires me. I absolutely LOVE that I get the opportunity to spend my days with them and I'm so humbled that God has allowed me to be in the position that I'm in.
I've also been overwhelmed by the way that the Lord blesses my heart. He knows me and cares so much about even the smallest of things and I'm often left with one of those crazy big smiles on my face because I can't contain the joy. Moving away from Jaibón and Monte Cristi just about broke my heart in two. I hated (and still do) the fact that I was going to be so far away from people who had become my family. But you want to know something? Even miles away from all of those people who stole my heart, God still chooses to bring a little bit of my world there down here to San Pedro. Early this week, a big bag of limoncillos (amazinggg little fruit) arrived at my house, sent here with love from a precious older woman who lives in Jaibón. I've also been extremely blessed by a sweet new friend who grew up IN Jaibón with all of the people who I call family. Really?! She grew up in Jaibón. Her mom used to give me a mug full of coffee every time I passed by her house because she knows how much I love it. And now she lives in San Pedro with her family. God is too good to me and I have been so blessed by her friendship already. She opened up her home and shared her family from day one and I'm so thankful for a little bit of Jaibón down here in the big city :)
There's so much more on my heart that I would love to share, but then I would be writing a book. So for now, this is a glimpse. I'm hoping to start sending out update emails every few months. I really want to share more about what I'm involved in here, but I've decided not to mention some of those details in blog world :) So let me know if you would like to be added to my email list! Because I'd love to share a little more about what's going on down here.
Hoping that no matter where you are or what the Lord has you doing, that you are feeling blessed by His goodness and that your eyes are opened more and more to all that we have already been given. He is so good.
I'm sitting here on this cloudy day, awaiting the promised storm that hasn't shown up yet. My neighbor just brought me a glass of freshly made mango juice and my mug full of coffee is still hot. It's recess at the school next door and the voices of tons of little kids dressed in blue and khaki uniforms fill my house. Life. Is. Good.
Life would be full of goodness anyway... even if everything that was going on around me didn't feel like goodness. Because the Lord is good and has blessed us with gifts that are more than we could have ever asked for or imagined. But life right now also feels full of that exceptional kind of goodness as well. The kind that leaves me in awe of all that the Lord has done and amazed at the fact that I get to live here and do what I'm doing. I seriously stop dead in my tracks all the time, so thankful and humbled to be where God has me right now.
I spend a large chunk of my days with a bunch of 5th through 8th graders who are INCREDIBLE. And I mean that. They are brilliant and hilarious and full of surprises. They are already awesome leaders and their love for the Lord inspires me. I absolutely LOVE that I get the opportunity to spend my days with them and I'm so humbled that God has allowed me to be in the position that I'm in.
I've also been overwhelmed by the way that the Lord blesses my heart. He knows me and cares so much about even the smallest of things and I'm often left with one of those crazy big smiles on my face because I can't contain the joy. Moving away from Jaibón and Monte Cristi just about broke my heart in two. I hated (and still do) the fact that I was going to be so far away from people who had become my family. But you want to know something? Even miles away from all of those people who stole my heart, God still chooses to bring a little bit of my world there down here to San Pedro. Early this week, a big bag of limoncillos (amazinggg little fruit) arrived at my house, sent here with love from a precious older woman who lives in Jaibón. I've also been extremely blessed by a sweet new friend who grew up IN Jaibón with all of the people who I call family. Really?! She grew up in Jaibón. Her mom used to give me a mug full of coffee every time I passed by her house because she knows how much I love it. And now she lives in San Pedro with her family. God is too good to me and I have been so blessed by her friendship already. She opened up her home and shared her family from day one and I'm so thankful for a little bit of Jaibón down here in the big city :)
There's so much more on my heart that I would love to share, but then I would be writing a book. So for now, this is a glimpse. I'm hoping to start sending out update emails every few months. I really want to share more about what I'm involved in here, but I've decided not to mention some of those details in blog world :) So let me know if you would like to be added to my email list! Because I'd love to share a little more about what's going on down here.
Hoping that no matter where you are or what the Lord has you doing, that you are feeling blessed by His goodness and that your eyes are opened more and more to all that we have already been given. He is so good.
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