It's incredible how easy it would be to just coast
through life merely existing. To let the days pass by without
intentionally living and appreciating the little moments. To be
distracted by the tasks that need to be accomplished and forget about the gift
it is to simply be alive and breathing.
Because the truth is, each new day is full of possibilities and wonder.
If we could set aside our problems and anxieties for only a minute, we
would see that God offers us a new chance every day to receive the gift that is
life. We have the opportunity to truly live and find joy in each and
every moment if we just open our eyes.
God has given us a world full of beauty and gifts and grace. If we stop and appreciate, we’ll find
that there have always been reasons to be grateful. Starry skies and wrinkled faces and
freshly brewed coffee and food that is grown from dirt. Sunrises and smiles and rain and deep
conversations and laughter.
Each and every day we wake up being given one of the greatest gifts: the
gift of today. It’s our decision
how we choose to live it. We can
choose to trudge through each day, just trying to make it through. Or we can choose to take advantage of
every single minute that we are given and truly live. To walk in the freedom and love that Christ has given us and
accept all the grace and goodness that He hands us. For Christ came that we may have life and have it to the
fullest. (John 10:10)
I just don’t want to wake up one day and realize that I have wasted
moments in my “one wild and precious life.” I want to live fully alive and grateful for all that I have
been given.
So let’s wake up tomorrow with expectancy, shall we? Expectancy for all that God is going to
do and expectancy for all the joy to be found within that which is seemingly small. Because I know that what we will find
is a life full of love and awe and beauty and grace that has been given to us
by the One who loved us before we ever entered this world.
So here’s to living with expectancy and eyes wide open to what God has for
us in every moment.
The little tree that is brightening up our living room :)
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