Friday, April 6, 2012

semana santa.

It's spring break... known here as semana santa! I have been so incredibly thankful for a week off from school and a chance to see some of my favorite people this week. My heart is full and it has been such a blessing to spend time with people who I haven't seen in a while. It's hard to believe that March is over and that Easter is in just a few days. The month has been full of birthdays and celebrations and salmonella and conversations that were only by the grace of God. Special moments at the orphanages and teaching math again in Spanish. Late nights and early mornings and lots of coffee and homemade cookies and smiles and joy and laughter. Bible study and ice cream in styrofoam cups and teaching my five-year-olds how to subtract. March was full of the Lord's grace and glory and I continue to feel overwhelmed with gratitude. He is good.

Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks...
One of my students coloring a map of the Dominican.
Another one of my students with an "S" worksheet.
Paper beads... Dominican style :) A friend of mine is now making these to sell down here.
We finished up these bracelets by candle light one night when there wasn't power.
Emilee, Jose, and I in Jaibon.

Hope each of you are doing great :)

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