Happy 2012! It hasn't even been two weeks into the new year, but already God is moving in incredible ways. Thank you for all of your prayers and constant encouragement! These are some pictures from the past month...
Andres... one of my favorites.

Yasmine, Paola, Yessica, and I on Christmas Eve. Noche Buena is full of huge dinners and new clothes and lots of photos.

One of my students at our Christmas party on the last day of school.

Galan taking a break from one of the most intense games of Monopoly I've ever played.

Waiki. More monopoly.

Christmas Eve dinner at the orphanage in Monte Cristi.

Arianni... sooo grown up.

And her twin sister, Ari!


Gregory hanging lights on the tree in the entry way of the orphanage in Jaibon.

Our infamous greca (coffee maker) that exploded (literally!) in our kitchen...

Emilee in the aftermath of the greca-explosion. We may or may not have brought the hose inside to clean up the mess :)
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's :)
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