Thursday, August 28, 2014


So grateful for relationships that run 7 years deep and cheap bus tickets that make it possible to travel across the country and years worth of memories and stories that makes hours feel like minutes.  Love these special ones so much!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

{i'm back}

After five weeks away, I'm finally back in the country.  These people are incredible and these are some of the moments that I've wanted to store up in my heart forever... saying that I'm feeling grateful would be an understatement.

{Nicol before a presentation at the university}

{las mellas y Carmelito}


{this porch and that guitar and those people}

{love them}


{so many memories walking up this little dirt path}

{known and loved :: making dinner by candlelight} 

{2nd day of school}

{Linga :: absolutely adore her}

{delicious food prepared by precious hands}