Tuesday, April 30, 2013

on writing more y mi hermanita.

"One of the arguments we often use for not writing is this: 'I have nothing original to say. Whatever I might say, someone else has already said it, and better than I will ever be able to.' This, however, is not a good argument for not writing. Each human person is unique and original, and nobody has lived what we have lived...

We have to trust that our stories deserve to be told."

-Henri Nouwen

Those words are an excerpt from some goodness that arrived in my email yesterday morning (I'm so thankful for daily wisdom from Mr. Nouwen!).  I've been thinking a lot about this little blog lately and how I want to write more.  I love capturing life in words and pictures and documenting all the joy and grace that God has woven into my story.  Sometimes I don't even know where to begin, but because of the joy I find in remembering and recording all of the celebrations and special moments in life, I'm choosing to update this a little more often.

So here's to our stories and what God is doing to transform the mess into beauty and to writing more about the grace and gifts that God has given.


Today, I'm also celebrating this loca even though I'm not with her in person...

{celebrating her birthday a day early}

Happy Birthday, Carolina!  So thankful for you and proud of the woman you have become!  You have such a heart to serve others well and you have this crazy ability to make others laugh and feel comfortable.  I'm impressed by your wisdom and your drivenness to accomplish what you have put your mind to and your consistent joyful spirit no matter what the circumstance.  Thankful for your 21 years of life!  

tqmmmm manita.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Celebrating this special guy today...



Happy Birthday Jochi!  So incredibly thankful and proud of him!  His thoughtfulness, his ability to bring laughter, and his drop-everything-to-help/fix-something-for-you-attitude inspire me.  

Monday, April 22, 2013

be still.

"Be still, and know that I am God; 
I will be exalted among the nations.  
I will be exalted in the earth."
Psalm 46:10

...a good piece of truth for this Monday morning.

Friday, April 5, 2013

saying yes.

It's now April and it's hard to believe that Semana Santa (Holy Week) has already come and gone.  Things around here have been the best kind of busy.  Full of friends who came to visit (to plan their Dominican wedding!) and lots of laughter and good coffee and conversations that make you think a little deeper about things and traveling around the country to visit some special ones who used to live at the orphanage with us.  

I simply can't explain how incredibly blessed I am by the people who I get to walk alongside through this one wild and precious life.  I have these friends who are crazy world changers, each of them changing and impacting the lives of others and fighting for the freedom of the ones we've been entrusted with.  They care more about others' needs than their own and they understand the need to trust the Lord and step out in faith even when the unknown can seem overwhelming.  Mostly, they'll stop at nothing to love people with everything they have in them, to bring freedom for the captives, to heal the brokenhearted, and to bring hope to some of the darkest places I've seen.

And the best part is that they live right here with me.  In this country and with these people who have stolen my heart.  

Sometimes I just can't contain my awe at God's faithfulness.  He's so so good.

And recently, I've felt this deep knowing that I'm living through a season where God is about to do something huge through the time spent with these people and the conversations that we are having.  It's this sense that these are holy moments.  And it's all the Lord.  We have done nothing but simply listen to Him and follow where we know He is leading.  

We've just chosen to say yes.

Yes to God and yes to His plans and yes to wherever and whoever He leads me to.  Yes to what He is asking me to give up and yes to more of Him and less of me and yes to what He is asking me to step into.

For it's all so worth it and I'm humbled to say yes to the One who gave me everything.  So my prayer recently has just been that God will show me what to say yes to.

And then I'll do it.  I'll say yes.  

Even if it's hard or uncomfortable.  And even if I need His grace to have a good attitude about it.  Because by no means do I come close to always choosing what He has for me over what I think I need.  It's just a journey in learning how to say yes.

So you should check out this goodness.  It's been changing my heart and filling my soul.


And here are a few glimpses at life here...

Pedro!  One of my favorites :)

Coffee factory tour... the process is fascinating!

Visiting Carolina while Elizabeth was in the country.


I'm attempting to post a photo every day under the photos tab so you should check 'em out :)